Effects of PRP Intratesticle Injection in Non-Obstructive Azoospermic Infertile Men in vivo on Spermatogenesis and Reproductive Hormonal Levels(FSH and LH)


  • Rasha Hassan High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Al Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ula Al-kawaz The High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • Rana S.Al.Saadi The High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies




NOA(Non Obstructive Azoospermia) Azoospermia, and Platelet Rich Plasma


Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) is the absence of sperm in infertile
men ejaculate as a result of significant spermatogenesis defects or
hormonal malfunction. PRP intratesticular injection may be employed in
assisted reproductive technology as a therapeutic effect for this problem.
The aim is to assess the level of spermatogenesis and reproductive
hormones after PRP autologous intratesticular injection. 50 nonabstructive azoospermia infertile men participated in the current study.
The patients were given an intra-testicular injection of platelet-rich
plasma using a 1 ml syringe; FSH LH hormonal levels were estimated; if
there was no sperm count, the patient should be prepared for a testicular
biopsy by the expert doctor. Small number of sperm may be discovered
during a biopsy while the testes are being examined in the lab. The
therapeutic benefits were seen in 15 patients 3-4 months after using
autologous platelet-rich plasma. The results showed that there was a
highly significant difference in FSH and LH hormonal levels after PRP
injection P(0.001). PRP can help non-obstructive azoospermic infertile
males with their testis' structural and functional dysfunction.


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How to Cite

Hassan R, Al-kawaz D, S.Al.Saadi R. Effects of PRP Intratesticle Injection in Non-Obstructive Azoospermic Infertile Men in vivo on Spermatogenesis and Reproductive Hormonal Levels(FSH and LH). IJEIR [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];12(1):86-93. Available from: https://ijeir.net/index.php/ijeir/article/view/85



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